Thursday, September 25, 2008

Reflections while binding a rug...

Some people dread the finishing steps at the end of a project...and binding a rug is the one complaint I hear the most...but I find it as soothing as pulling each loop in creating the rug!

My mind quickly wonders away...sometimes it goes to the news of the day ~ oops...then the tension might get a wee bit tight...sometimes it’s prayerful ~ for all those in need...but today my thoughts were on how very small the world really is...and how connected we all are.

In my short time here in blog~land, I have met some incredibly wonderful and talented people...Just one of them is Karen at My Yellow Farmhouse. Many of you know her and her great blog! I met her a few weeks back when she contacted me after being given my name from another designer as a source for hand-dyed wool. She was getting ready to leave town, but ordered a sample card and said we’d connect after she returned home. In the days that followed I started this blog...while following up with comments left on my first few posts, I visited several fun blogs...and Karen’s name kept popping up...What a small world indeed! Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting her and a few friends in person when they came to the studio to pick out wool for a fabulous project! I felt like I already knew her!

Well...Karen has just launched her new website Farmhouse Woolens, and she’s offering this fantastic Block of the Month wool appliquĆ© project! I’ve had so much fun working with her on this and she’s got some fun ideas for future projects, too. Please stop by and visit her new site...and tell I said HI!

So...back to the rug...this Speckled Hen is almost bound...a finished picture to come real soon!

Hope this first week of Autumn has been a good one for you...L

1 comment:

  1. Laurie,
    I am with you. I enjoy the whipping/binding process as much as I do the hooking. It's a no thought process and is very therapeutic.


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