There has been a change in ownership of the building I’ve rented for the past 7 years...and I’ve lost my lease, so I’m moving the studio/shop back to our home.
The GOOD news is as of August 1st, I’ll only have 1 toilet to clean...the bad news is I have lots to do before the end of July.
It’s really bittersweet. While I’m excited to have everything back home, I will truly miss my neighbors and our cozy little corner on Grand.
Sadly, most of my neighbors are scrambling to find new locations for their businesses. I am so GRATEFUL to Paul and Nick for allowing and encouraging me to “Simplify” and move back home.
So what does this mean for you my dear customers/friends?
If you are in town...
as of August 1st you’ll find all your wooly needs at 4630 Wentworth Avenue South, just 3 blocks East and 1 block North of the Grand Avenue nest...I’ll be putting new directions on the website. June and July 2nd Saturday and 3rd Thursday hooking groups will still take place on Grand. Classes and Hooking Groups will start up again in September at the “new” studio. Hours should be a bit more flexible...
anytime by appointment, weekdays 11 to 5 and as always, it’s a good idea to call ahead!
For those out of town...
The website will be the same! There may be a small delay in getting orders out near the end of July as the move progresses.
I appreciate your patience over the next few months. I truly value your business, support, kind thoughts and words. Because of YOU, I am able to do what I love and know I was put here to do.
I’ll post updates here on the blog to let you know how things are going.