PEACE...28" x 36"
You'll find more info on the website here
This year I'm also offering a smaller version option
Kits will start shipping in January 2016;)
Good Day...
Yep, it is a full and busy day in the studio!
In between processing orders and dye pots...
my work on adapting favorite rug patterns to other formats continues.
Loving how my sweet partridge is coming to life in punch needle;)
Hope you have a lovely day ~ Laurie
Hello Dear Friends,
A lovely, but gray Autumn day here...
the contrast of the green and golden leaves against the overcast sky is beautiful!
Today is my Momma's 85th birthday! I need to get off the computer and get her cake in the oven...
but thought I would drop in here to say hello for a moment!
I've been busy the past few days updating patterns. {if you follow me and/or the studio page on Facebook...sorry for all the posts;)}
Many are now available in the Etsy shop as PDF Instant Downloads!
And soon several of my smaller mat patterns will be available as Paper Patterns or PDF's too.
With my commitment to caring for my folks, I've needed to come up with a way to streamline the business
...and still earn an income;)
Everyone seems to like these formats:)
It will certainly save me time in drawing patterns, so hopefully I'll have more time for new designs and some much need handwork!
What a glorious day!
The leaves are starting to turn...and the smell of woodsmoke warms my heart.
I put this bouquet together yesterday...
a sweet treat that makes me smile!
When I got back from taking Dad to church, I started in on finishing orders to go out in the morning mail.
I'm itching to get the models and patterns finished for my 1st release in the Hilda Thornbroom Series.
There just aren't enough hours in my day...
my mind is so far a head of my hands;)
Hopefully it will all come together in time to celebrate the Autumnal Equinox:)
Wishing all lovely last days of summer ~Laurie
Today while walking in the wood,
I heard a voice and there she stood.
A softened face, a kindly soul,
Where she came from I do not know.
She has two braids, I have just one
I magical tale has begun.
...Miss Hilda Thornbroom as been lurking about the studio now for several weeks.
I have a feeling she will be showing up a lot in my work this Autumn;)
Good Day Dear Ones,
These late summer days are perfect for finding treasure...
these gems are nature's gift...
black walnut is my favorite dyestuff... and today my squirrel friends have shared with me...
they took their portion...for breakfast or perhaps to hide for a winter's day... and left some magic for my dyepot!
Enjoy this fine day ~ L
There is something so calming about sitting down with needle and thread…
an old army blanket slowly being transformed into a autumn bed topper…easy to pick up and stitch for a minute here and there…
The summer has flown by. I drove Nick back to ISU last week. I’m so excited for him…all his hard work last year in the core design program paid off…he is now in the architecture program! Living his dream…as anyone who came to the studio years ago would know…browsing for wool amidst Lego towers;) The house is quiet again…and I miss him…but my hours are still filled with caring for Mom & Dad…and keeping up with commissions and orders!
The past few evenings I enjoyed a little needle & thread therapy and stitched this sweet sewing caddy from Rebekah L Smith’s phenomenal book “Wool Applique Folk Art”.
This great, new book flew out of the studio. I’ve had more copies on order for weeks, hoping they arrive soon! There is a Facebook group…Wooly Stitchers…
a small group of stitcher’s working our way thru the projects in this wonderful book…
Our first project was “Wooly Windows”…
I stitched my runner using naturally dyed wools…most dyed by my sweet friend Kris from her bountiful garden’s harvest! The perfect pairing for my black walnut dyed backgrounds.
I’m not sure what I’ll stitch next…but it is good for me to put aside “my WORK handwork” now and then and just play!
Taking this as a positive sign…
the last 2 times I’ve had Chinese take-out I’ve gotten the same fortune…
I’ve accepted a faculty position at the Minnetonka Center for the Arts
more information to come…
but my classes will start the first week of January 2016!
Enjoy these late summer days…the smell of autumn is already in the air!
Yeah printer issues solved...Part Two of On The Hill will be going out the door...this afternoon and over the next few days!!!
Thanks for your patience ~ L
Silly me…I thought that being an empty nester would open up all sorts of time, ha!
The year is not off to the start I had hoped for…and I know that this will disappoint many of the “studio hookers”. I’m sorry, but as they say, “it is what it is”. I’ve come to terms with that and most days am dealing with the chaos quite well.
You will find the studio calendar button on the bottom of the left side bar of the webpage, or on mid way down on the right side bar of this blog.
Once you get there you'll see this...
Events will also be posted on the Facebook Studio Page. There are links to sign up to reserve a chair for open studio days on the calendar. Using the sign up sheets makes it much easier for me to know how to plan. If you are having trouble email me. ♥ ~ Laurie
I've been distracted this evening... in a good way;)
Lori Brechlin started a new group on FaceBook for Hand Embroidery
something I've loved from a very early age... click the link above and ask to join if embroidery is something you enjoy, too.
this is the first piece I stitched when Mom handed me a needle and thread at age 5
In the early 70's I'd embroider on anything and everything!
These days my work most often involves wool...
Okay...back to work... thanks for visiting and allowing me to share the good ole days with you!
Dear Friends, Family and Customers...Thanks for your patience during my absence caring for my parents...
I'm catching up on orders and enjoying time back in the studio!
Laurie ~ 1-13-15
I started this post a few days ago...but the days still seem to get away from me!
I want to thank everyone for your comments, emails and well wishes for my Dad and Mom and I'm sorry I haven't responded personally.
It has been an incredibly stressful time...but also a blessing in many ways...they are amazing people. I'm so lucky to still have them and am glad that I can help them now as they have always been "there" for me. After 63 years of marriage, they are kind of a package deal...and they each do best when they are together.
The angels at Living Life Home Care have really saved me. Dad still has a way to go to get back to normal and I'm still there many days a week...but I'm happy to sleep in my own bed again!
After being away for nearly a month...the dust bunnies here are really scary;)
I'm almost caught up on orders now and my next priority is getting the Part One kits of the 2015 Rug Project finished and in the mail.
I still need to dye the border wool...but hopefully the kits will be in the mail by the end of next week!