Like so many of us Wool~Lovers...these hot & humid late Summer days make me yearn for the cool crisp Autumn breezes! Not that I’m wishing my days away...cuz I’m certainly always racing to keep up...
...it’s more of a longing for days gone by...the “feelings” that my favorite season brings.
I love the smell of wood smoke from the fireplace...the sight of the trees a blaze with the changing leaves...the sound of the wind swirling the leaves to the ground...apples...squash and pumpkins...apples...and more apples!!! Oh how I wish it all would last longer...cuz here in the upper Midwest...what follows is soooo long...but that’s another story!
Now that my
Fall class schedule is complete and the website temporarily up to date...it’s time to think of more domestic things. The grapes are almost ripe enough to pick, it’s been a good year for them. I hope Mama Raccoon doesn’t beat me to them this year. I don’t mind sharing...but last year she got them all. The jelly cupboard is looking bare!
Hope you are enjoying these lazy (LOL) late summer days! L