Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rug Hooking in Lake Wobegon...

...I've always been a PHC fan...perhaps it is a Minnesota thing?
I attended a few shows in the early days...then was quite the groupy in the mid-80's catching weekly shows at the World Theatre and hanging with the crew and memories...but life moves on...
In the past few years I've taken my son to a few shows at the State Fair and the Fitz...and we are faithful listeners each week on MPR.
Thru all these years...I never knew there were other rug hookers in Lake Wobegon!
Enjoy ~L


  1. Laurie,
    I've always loved PHC! This was so fun! The rug hooker's part made me laugh.... Thank-you for sharing this!! Hope you're staying warm and eating some hotdish!!!
    Cathy G

  2. Thank you so much for posting this! I've always loved Lake Woebegone since becoming acquainted with it in the 80s. It's been a long time since I've seen it though & so it was very enjoyable to see it again. Blessings, Shirlee

  3. Just saying "Hi" because I don't know what you are all loving here!


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