Thursday, January 31, 2013

Are YOU a follower?

Happy Thursday...

it sure is cold outside...
but warm and wooly inside the studio

Are you on Facebook?
Have you "Liked" the Wooly Red Rug Page?

We are very close to a milestone (300 likes) wool drawing!!!
If Facebook isn't your thing...
not to worry...
be sure you are a "follower" here on the blog
scroll down...the sign up is a ways down the page on the rightside...
There will be a Wooly Drawing HERE once we hit 200!


  1. Yeah....I thougt I was already a Facebook fan..I am now....I'd love the chance to win!..

    Enjoy your day!


  2. I'm a regular reader of your blog and just found you on facebook and liked! It's a great giveaway. Hookers can never have enough WOOL

  3. I'm a follower of your blog here - guess I missed the Facebook giveaway, but now I'll see you there too.....

  4. Well thank goodness because I am a follower and visit you - but FB isn't my thing...I'm there but don't participate unless someone sends me an e-mail...but I just may have to go over and LIKE YOU. How about that. See, I'm very flexible.

  5. Rhonda, Kim, Gayle, Karen...Thank YOU!!!
    We are only 26 away from a wooly drawing here on the blog!

  6. I am a NEW follower, just happened to find you on the sidebar while looking at Simple Thyme Prims blog. Yes.. lovely blog and how nice that you happen to have a giveaway going as well! haha. I would love to be entered even though Im just a newbie. You have beutiful wool projects here.

  7. I am a new follower!
    I do not have Facebook.
    Love your blog.

  8. My friends have been trying to convince me to join facebook, but I spend so much time in Blog Land ,I don't need more distractions !!! I am a follower of your blog & your tips have been very helpful....please enter me in your give away...Love those colors !!!Thank you !

  9. I do not Facebook but I am a follower of your blog. Your tips and ideas are truly inspirational. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks.

  10. I've been following you on you blog; and just found you on Facebook. We can always new wool. Thanks for the entry.

  11. I am a follower and liked you on facebook.

  12. I have Facebook but am not really a fan of it but I love your blog. Bloggin is more my thing.

  13. Oh such beauty! I am a follower and you are liked by me on Facebook! Yea for reaching a milestone!!! Almost there!


  14. Gee Laurie, I thought I was a follower and wasn't! I'm sorry. I just signed up. I'm not on FB. Love your new rug too! Hugs, Lori

  15. I am a follower who loves anything wool. I like all your designs and look forward to your posts.

  16. Isn't wool just delicious? I haven't ventured into rug making - yet. Heehee, it's on my list. I do love wool quilts and am working on a wool crazy at the moment. I just found you - your blog is beautiful. I just became your latest follower.

  17. I'm a follower & am off to check you out on FB.


Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a note...I love to hear from you!