Thought I'd share a pic of the finished quilt we gave to my sister and brother-in-law ...the last few stitches were taken inbetween batches of cookies ...and just in time to wrap up for your family gathering on Christmas Day.
We had a great day and I hope you did, too! My Men-Folk are on vacation until the 2nd...and it is so fun having them home! My "honey-do" list is we will see how much actually gets accomplished... it's back to the studio for me... The 2013 LJFibers Rug Project is just about finalized... This year's rug is called "Pine to Prairie" it will be a wonderful, useable size at 22" x 36"... most likely done in TWO parts...I still need to get it all figured out... but will be back soon with all the information...
Until then... May you have a Safe and Happy New Year's celebration... and Many Blessings the whole year thru! ~L
The snow is gently falling...the baking has begun...
the shopping is done and only a few stitches remain to be taken in a special gift...
I feel so far behind...but say that every year...
and it really doesn't matter...does it?
In a year of so much loss...I'm reminded that the stuff is not important... it's our relationships that matter...our connections to each other...the kindness and love that we share...
So my WISH for you my friends is a Bright and Merry Christmas... and a Peace~filled New Year! ~L
* ~ the studio is closed until December 27th... tho' the website is always open ~ *
How can it be December already?!?
I'm so behind...I finally got these funky, folky wooly ornaments listed on Early Work Mercantile just after midnight and more will be offered over at the 1800 House, the update there is this Wednesday at NooN!
Have you started your holiday decorating?
Well...I'm behind there too. I'm blaming it on the weather...ya that's it! Not complaining, mind you...tomorrow is supposed to be near 50 degrees...hopefully I'll get a bit of greenery in the pots out front... then it's back to my needle and thread...stitching up a wooly quilt for a Christmas present...
Are you on Facebook?
Is sure to "LIKE" The Wooly Red Rug page... L. J. Fibers at The Wooly Red Rug Promote Your Page Too and tell your friends too! We are so close to a Milestone Giveaway...for each 100 likes...there is a drawing for wooly goodies! Increase your chances of winning by "following" this blog, too. That link is below on the right side bar!
And speaking of giveaways...I was thrilled to win the monthly drawing that Ronda Simple Thyme Prims had in October!
Birds, flowers and wonky couldn't be more perfect for me! Ronda does the most outstanding work. This sweet needle punched bird is a perfect rendition of Country Stitches pattern...and she included another sweet little wool pin keep too! Thank you, Thank you Ronda...I hope you are settling into your new home!!! Well...that's about it for now...I hope to be back more often...inbetween all the holiday prep... Wishing you a wonderful week ~L