Autumn Valley Hook-In
Stillwater, Minnesota
Saturday October 7, 2017
I didn't have time to take photos, but Cathy over at Orange Sink came, she's a great photographer...see her post here
The past few days have been spent unpacking and putting things back together in the studio.
It's tight here...I've still got boxes of my folks stuff to sort through...they are filling up our very limited storage... but...I'm making-do;)
Last evening I began listing my new, Hand-Plant-Dyed wool in the Etsy shop.
I'll being listing more wool over the next few days!
Dyed in small batches, these gorgeous fat quarters are truly one of a kind and won't be listed on the main website, just in the Etsy shop...or in person at the studio.
The studio is open by appointment. I'm still not able to have "regular" hours.
We got a bit of frost overnight...glad I picked the last of the peppers was an amazing plant yielding over 20 peppers
Some of theses are tiny compared to the ones I've been eating this past month...but they are still sweet and delicious!
I'll be back soon...
I've been invited to teach at Rug Week 2018 in Sauder Village...I'll share all the details in the next post!