I've been distracted this evening... in a good way;)
Lori Brechlin started a new group on FaceBook for Hand Embroidery
something I've loved from a very early age... click the link above and ask to join if embroidery is something you enjoy, too.
this is the first piece I stitched when Mom handed me a needle and thread at age 5
In the early 70's I'd embroider on anything and everything!
These days my work most often involves wool...
Okay...back to work... thanks for visiting and allowing me to share the good ole days with you!
Dear Friends, Family and Customers...Thanks for your patience during my absence caring for my parents...
I'm catching up on orders and enjoying time back in the studio!
Laurie ~ 1-13-15
I started this post a few days ago...but the days still seem to get away from me!
I want to thank everyone for your comments, emails and well wishes for my Dad and Mom and I'm sorry I haven't responded personally.
It has been an incredibly stressful time...but also a blessing in many ways...they are amazing people. I'm so lucky to still have them and am glad that I can help them now as they have always been "there" for me. After 63 years of marriage, they are kind of a package deal...and they each do best when they are together.
The angels at Living Life Home Care have really saved me. Dad still has a way to go to get back to normal and I'm still there many days a week...but I'm happy to sleep in my own bed again!
After being away for nearly a month...the dust bunnies here are really scary;)
I'm almost caught up on orders now and my next priority is getting the Part One kits of the 2015 Rug Project finished and in the mail.
I still need to dye the border wool...but hopefully the kits will be in the mail by the end of next week!