It really is getting old...
another half foot this morning...then...glorious sunshine... which of course gives way to sub-zero temps after the sun goes down:(
Between dye pots, I've been working on a rug for a client in North Carolina...just a peek at ...a goose
and one of the rabbits
I've also tackled a major project I've had on my "to-do" list for a long, long time!
It feels SO GOOD to have it finished!...
I finally updated the Off the Bolt...As-Is Wool pages on the website
They are now sorted by color to make shopping and browsing easier.
Seems like the website is ALWAYS a work in progress...more for another snowy day!
We are finally coming out of the deep freeze
Insane to believe that 4° actually feels warm…
but after what seemed like forever in the teens to twenties below zero with wind-chills making it feel like -30° to -50°…it does!
Saturday is our 2nd Saturday Open Studio Group day and it should be a balmy 30°...
Things are getting back to normal around here… …Back to the school routine after an extended winter break due to the cold…can’t believe my babe will be graduating in June!
…and for me…the studio is stacked with piles of linen & wool…drawing patterns and sorting wool for washing and dyeing…getting the Part One kits of Primitive Medallions ready to mail out!
Best get busy...need to have a clear table for the hookers & stitchers...