How can it be that another month is coming to an end?
Springtime is busy around here with I'm glad that Summer is upon us and we can settle back into visiting at the monthly in studio Hooking~Stitching Groups!
Summer often brings travelers through the is always a treat for me to welcome cyber-wooly friends to the studio...ANY day!
Today, I'm finishing up goods for tonight's Early Work Mercantile update...

A variety of Needle Punched Pins and a Hearts and Tulips Hooked Pillow
A few stitches left...hoping to make the MidNight deadline!
Then it's back to working on a few commissioned peices
...with breaks to pull a few weeds!
A BIG Thank You for your comments and generous bids on the We Unite For Oklahoma Auctions. I'm happy my Spring Quilt hooked mat and Wooly Ornament raised a good amount and 100% of it was forwarded to the Red Cross to help those in need in Oklahoma!!!

Hope the sun is shining on YOU ~L
Who comes with Summer to this earth
And owes to June her day of birth,
With ring of Agate on her hand,
Can health, wealth, and long life command