the wind, ice, sub-zero temps linger and more snow is on the way I AM READY FOR SPRING
Tho' inside the studio today it was warm and cozy...a couple hooker friends
who always bring a smile... one close to finishing a BIG starting something new
...shoppers gathering wool for a variety of projects...some Springy...some to while away the snowy days ahead!
In between orders and finishing goods for the March 1st Early Work Mercantile update...
I've been working on the 2nd part of Pines to Prairie
the Part One kits are almost ready to ship out...just waiting for a wool order to arrive so I can finish dyeing up some of the background! It's one of my favorite colors...I call it Garden Shed...kind of a dingy greyish green...wonderful over all sorts of light textures!
I'm loving how the random border...which is Part Two of this year's annual working out... very old looking...just as I wanted it to be!
I'm glad to have a cozy rug to work on these cold and icy days...
Be safe and warm ~ L