I'll be introducing my newest design "Pear Tree" at the Stillwater Hook-In in on October 2nd! Just need to finish the binding. This was supposed to be my entry for EAL's Holiday directory...but with all the changes around here, I didn't make the entry deadline.
The weather held for the yard sale this past weekend and I'm glad that is behind us. It's good to be pulling loops again...and I'm making progress on the last part of House Blessing...this year's rug project. One of the design challenges with this particular project is making all four parts play nice with each other! I'll try to get a pic to post in the next few days. Busy in the dyepots getting ready for hook-in...in between all the moving details...
Wishing you all a glorious week! ~L
PS...should have told you that the background, the tree wool and some of my golds and greens were over-dyed with black walnuts...love the way they age the colors!